Strategy Sprint
Strategy is making hard decisions about what we will do and what we will not do. It requires making hard trade-off decisions. These are the choices that require us to either do X or Y. We can’t do both.
The Strategy Sprint is a 5-day workshop, that implements a structured, hands-on process for making decisions, setting goals, and mapping the next steps with your team. Our Strategy Sprints draw on leading innovation tools and methods, including Design Sprints and Design Thinking.

Prior to the actual Strategy Sprint, we introduce an additional process with the aim of building business empathy. During this period, we work with the business stakeholders in order to become familiar with the competitive environment in which our strategy needs to be applied and understand how products and services get made in this environment and the costs associated with creating products and running the business.

The main Strategy Sprint is a 5-day process in which we prepare the strategy canvas for the business and the competition, identify the most important investments that have the potential to create value in the market, come up with ideas on the implementation of these goals and reduce them to the few ones that will survive the scrutiny of the workshop participants. These ideas are then presented to a panel of stakeholders with the goal of making clear the possible trade-offs and leading to clean decisions.
The result of the Strategy Sprint is a well-defined set of goals and a clear roadmap with actions on how to achieve them. It works well with big corporations and small startups – every company regardless of its size and industry is making trade-off choices.